Macaroni Dandy wig by Sweet Hayseed
Planning is well underway for this year’s Mermaid Parade costume. Last year I ended up sewing incredibly too much incredibly too late. Each year I promise myself that I will not be constructing things at the last minute, and always end up pulling an all-nighter the night before. Last year I created five 17th-century dresses and Dinne and I stayed up all night working on our wigs. This year, I’m trading the sequins and seaweed for feathers and rhinestones, and I have put the wig making in the capable hands of Stacy at Sweet Hayseed.
Above is the wig by Stacy that I wish I could have been able to sport down the boardwalk last June. I’ve been stalking Stacy’s wigs on her Etsy for quite some time and was bummed that I didn’t find her in time to make my wig last year. Recently I sent her an email along with a photo of my inspiration for this year’s theme, and she agreed to custom make me a Flock of Seagulls inspired look. I have no clue what it looks like so far, but I’m very excited to see it soon. From the looks of her previous work, I already feel lucky to be able to march with her work on my head (I’m just hoping it won’t be too heavy.)
The Grand Shipwreck Ball Art Wig
The Victoria Valentino Art Wig