and still no package.
I swear I’m not going to be able to get anything done for Craftacular…
had a photoshoot today and I’m battling a stomach virus. I literally was in the bathroom indisposed at my shoot and decided that I needed to go home. I came out of the bathroom and my art director looks at me (it’s very obvious that I was just sick) and says, “Can you go to the office and resew one of the dresses for the shoot next week?”
Now… I know that sometimes things come in for the magazine that are a bit…subpar and I end up having to remake things, but…c’mon. I’m such a sucker though that I just went back to the office and fixed the dress. I need to learn how to say no.
Oh….my….goodness Called FedEx because again….delivery guy didn’t have a package for me. hahah. Same story as yesterday. This redirection thing is really hurting some brains over there at FedEx because apparently now it takes 3 days to get the job done. Package apparently will arrive tomorrow, Thursday, 6 days late.... Continue Reading
This afternoon on the phone: FedEx: yes, how can I help you? Me: uh yeah, I was expecting a package today and our delivery person has come and gone so I wanted to check on it. The tracking number is blahblah666! FedEx: looks like that package was marked for redirection... Continue Reading
I ordered a plethera of new shirts to print on for the Craftacular, which were supposed to come in yesterday….Supposed to is the key word there. I took the day off from work and literally sat around my apartment all day waiting for the FedEx delivery person in silence. Our... Continue Reading

So John and I made Thanksgiving dinner this year, which was somehow harder than it was last year. That is a look of concern, my friend. I was on the phone with my mom trying to figure out what in the hell I was doing. That day found me thawing... Continue Reading
these ladies are relentless!! I have to be ON THE BUS at 7.30 and then I don’t get back to my hotel until around 10 at night. I packed a suitcase full of supplies thinking that I would be able to make jewelry for Craftacular over the weekend, but…nope. Haven’t... Continue Reading

I made it to Oklahoma….however the penny did NOTHING! Totally got sick, but I made it nonetheless and met everyone. There are quite a few people here that I really feel honored to be able to spend the weekend with and learn next to. Seriously…folks from other magazines, fabric designers,... Continue Reading
Class started up again last night for November at Make. I don’t have a full class this time around, which I sort of like better. Seems like everyone learns a lot more and I actually get to know the students better when the classes are tiny. Also! I am now... Continue Reading
Welp, Halloween came and went and I didn’t do anything spectacular. Missed the parade AGAIN! I swear I’m not missing it next year. The hounds of hell won’t be able to keep me away from those amazingly dressed drag queens in ’07. I swear it. Girl scout’s honor. Oh well.... Continue Reading

Ahhh, Houston. How I love thee, let me count the mosquitos… upon arrival, I was instantly happy to be on familiar grounds, very eager to fill my belly with foods that would give me indigestion just from the scent. Although I grew up in the Houston area, this was my... Continue Reading