you’ll have to excuse my html mess.. I’m trying to figure out the site on my own, which is taking quite longer than expected.
On a lighter (or higher) note, I did a google image search of construction and found this. It’s a construction worker working on the Empire State Building in the early 1900s — I cannot even imagine the amount of money that would convince me to pull such a stunt. My hard hat’s off to him indeed.

Hooray for Etsy and the Craft Mafia! We had another successful swap this past weekend, mostly because of all of the great people that showed up and all of the amazing swag they brought with them. We were able to collaborate with Etsy for this time around, so the event... Continue Reading

Oh, the Bronx Zoo. How I love you, let me count the ways. I was able to go to the zoo this weekend, however I had a complete lapse of concentration and forgot my camera. Actually, I don’t think I forgot so much as just didn’t want to go to... Continue Reading

My first book comes out this month! It features 30 DIY projects that cover everything from embroidery and reconstruction to printable fabrics and felting. Carrie and I are extra-proud of it, so please check it out if you have a chance! It’s so strange to work on something for so... Continue Reading
I’m heading to Chicago to meet with some industry folks today, so I’m writing this on the plane as large patches of white-coated Earth float by below. I tried reading an article about Caleb Chung in Make and started daydreaming about owning my own baby robot dinosaur. However, I then... Continue Reading

I made it! Yes, I’m in Lake Jackson. I arrived on Wednesday, and after a brief visit to Mart, TX my presence was promptly demanded at Shooters, one of only two bars in the city. Being from NYC, I forget that people here start their evenings early… like 8 pm.... Continue Reading

I thought I would be in the swamps of Texas by now, drinking Lone Star and completely full of deep fried food, but… no. I’m still in Astoria. The wonderful people of ATA decided to kick Senor Hancock and me off our flight due to the fact that… wait for... Continue Reading
Still with the belly sickness… I’m not able to make it to the craftacular today. John and Kevin were lovely enough to take my things to the show for me and drop them off with the other Mafia ladies, so I wish them all the best today. if you go,... Continue Reading
Seriously. if I ever meet a FedEx customer service representative, I will jab my thumb into their eye. Still battling the belly virus, but I had to come to work today because I have to remake several things and start a few others from scratch. FedEx delivery guy came and... Continue Reading